If you routinely choose just one or two different types of lettuce, break out of the rut and experiment with something different for more flavor, texture differences, and a range of nutrition benefits!
Eating salads that contain a variety of types of lettuce is associated with several health benefits, including higher nutrient intake, consuming fewer calories, and slower cognitive decline associated with aging...
Understanding nutrition and good health is tough. Here's a handout with a few of the basics. I hope it makes your life (and your clients' lives) easier...
By now you've probably heard all about the FDA's new food label design. Today I want take an in-depth look at some of the changes, focusing on the new "nutrients required" section...
Any time we switch from pale "greens" like iceberg lettuce to darker-colored leafy greens like kale, spinach and Romaine, we gain important phytochemicals and antioxidants that are present in larger quantities in darker-colored vegetables...
Member-Only Articles
The 12 Types of Lettuce
If you routinely choose just one or two different types of lettuce, break out of the rut and experiment with something different for more flavor, texture differences, and a range of nutrition benefits!
Lettuce: Leafy, Healthy, and Delicious!
Eating salads that contain a variety of types of lettuce is associated with several health benefits, including higher nutrient intake, consuming fewer calories, and slower cognitive decline associated with aging...
Micronutrients: Vitamin D
Now that it's officially Spring, let's help your clients get outside with this spotlight on vitamin D!
Free Handout: Nutrition Basics
Understanding nutrition and good health is tough. Here's a handout with a few of the basics. I hope it makes your life (and your clients' lives) easier...
Meet Matcha!
The first time I saw matcha, I was entranced by the vibrant green color and intrigued about the possible health benefits...
Eating in Color: Green
It's time for more eating in color! This time we've got a fun favorite fruit to spotlight: the kiwi!
Eating in Color: Yellow, Part Two
Eating in Color is back, and this time we've got a fantastic yellow vegetable in mind: corn!
Eating in Color: Yellow
How are you liking the Eating in Color series so far? Today we're tackling yellow fruits and vegetables, with a special spotlight on the banana!
Are You Getting Enough Choline?
Choline is crucial for the liver, muscle, and brain and it plays important roles in memory, mood, muscle control and preventing atherosclerosis...
Plants Over Pills
Including a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet is a more reasonable way to improve health instead of using supplements...
10 Things You Should Know About Nutrients
Let's talk nutrients...
Handout of the Week: Beans Instead of Beef
As I was putting together the member-exclusive February newsletter, I stumbled upon this handout that I thought might be useful for you...
Juice Comparison Chart
Compare the nutrient profiles of these 10 top juices to determine whether any fit into a healthy and balanced eating pattern...
Handout: Fruits, Veggies, and Your Health
Have you gotten your free copy of the Up, Up, and Away fruit and vegetable handout yet? This post makes the perfect companion piece...
Nutrient Adequacy and USDA Food Patterns
Do your clients ever wonder why the USDA advises people to follow MyPlate and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
New Food Label Spotlight: Vitamins and Minerals
By now you've probably heard all about the FDA's new food label design. Today I want take an in-depth look at some of the changes, focusing on the new "nutrients required" section...
Focusing on Dressing: Are We Missing the Point?
Any time we switch from pale "greens" like iceberg lettuce to darker-colored leafy greens like kale, spinach and Romaine, we gain important phytochemicals and antioxidants that are present in larger quantities in darker-colored vegetables...
MyPlate Meal Makeover
It's time for another MyPlate meal makeover! This time we're focusing on pizza...
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