Does processing whole grains impact blood sugar control in those with type II diabetes? We now have a better understanding of this combination thanks to a recent study that compared the impact of milling whole grains on blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes...
As an educator, I try really hard to “walk the talk.” Sometimes that’s hard to do. Or sometimes I think I’m doing fairly well while following a recommendation, but it turns out that I'm not doing so well at all
People who ate more fiber experienced a lower risk of age-related diseases and disability, including high blood pressure, diabetes, depression and even cognitive problems...
Member-Only Articles
Could Changing Eating Patterns Promote Longevity?
If making a few changes to what’s on your plate could increase your lifespan by 13 years, would you do it?
With Type 2 Diabetes, Do Whole Grains Make a Difference?
Does processing whole grains impact blood sugar control in those with type II diabetes? We now have a better understanding of this combination thanks to a recent study that compared the impact of milling whole grains on blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes...
Quick Review of Whole Grains
The new 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend including more whole grains in an eating pattern while limiting refined grains.
My Whole Grain Journey
As an educator, I try really hard to “walk the talk.” Sometimes that’s hard to do. Or sometimes I think I’m doing fairly well while following a recommendation, but it turns out that I'm not doing so well at all
Get Some Whole Grains
Reading Food Labels: Whole Grain Spotlight
Did you know that there is no definition about the amount of whole grains contained in foods labeled "whole grain?"
Start Simple: A New Choose MyPlate Tool
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be difficult, expensive, or time-consuming and can lead to a longer and healthier life.
The Truth About Whole Grain Carbohydrates
Despite the popularity of cutting carbs like bread, cereal, and pasta, science continues to support eating whole grains for best health.
Moderation: Still the Right Way to Go
Fiber: It’s Time to Double Up
Science or Fiction?
A new analysis of scientific evidence was performed to examine the proof behind popular diet claims...
Can a Lack of Gluten Raise Your Diabetes Risk?
A new study suggests that going “gluten-free” may actually raise your risk for type 2 diabetes...
Closing the Fiber Gap
Only 1 in 20 Americans consumes enough fiber...
Fiber and Healthy Aging
People who ate more fiber experienced a lower risk of age-related diseases and disability, including high blood pressure, diabetes, depression and even cognitive problems...
How Healthful is Your Eating Pattern?
What’s important is knowing the basics of a healthy diet and making it work for you. Here are some answers to common myths about your food...
5 Ways to Ease Into a Plant-Based Eating Pattern
Plant-based eating patterns are linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems...
Quinoa Salad
This bright and tasty salad is sure to pep up any meal!
Diabetes Lunch Ideas
Lunch is often a difficult meal because you only have a limited amount of time to eat and few food options. Here are some ideas to get you started…
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