You’ve probably seen colorful bottles of kombucha in the supermarket. What are these concoctions that tout all kinds of health benefits? Should you include them in your eating pattern?
Encourage your clients to plan meals and snacks to include more unprocessed or minimally processed foods. That way they can decrease the amount of ultra-processed foods in their eating patterns...
Researchers have discovered that mung bean protein isolate is a source of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor activity that helps to lower blood pressure...
If you’re looking for the latest "miracle" diet, look no further than the Sirtfood Diet. Promoted by Adele as the eating plan that helped her lose the baby weight, the diet certainly sounds enticing...
Added sugars are everywhere, and they're bad news for your health. But how exactly can you find added sugars? Which foods have these in high doses? Find out in today's post...
There’s a world-wide debate about the optimum amount of added sugar in foods to promote good health. We know added sugar increases the risk of overweight and obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer; but how much is too much?
The August topic in our Positive Resolutions for the New Year project is Drink Up. Why? Hydration is vital to good health, especially during hot summer days...
Member-Only Articles
Should You Be Drinking Kombucha?
You’ve probably seen colorful bottles of kombucha in the supermarket. What are these concoctions that tout all kinds of health benefits? Should you include them in your eating pattern?
Strategies for Managing Processed Foods in Your Eating Pattern
Encourage your clients to plan meals and snacks to include more unprocessed or minimally processed foods. That way they can decrease the amount of ultra-processed foods in their eating patterns...
Let's Talk About Mung Bean Protein
Researchers have discovered that mung bean protein isolate is a source of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor activity that helps to lower blood pressure...
Let's Talk About Pea Protein
We’re hearing a lot about the benefits of plant sources of protein...
Do Skinny Genes Mean Skinny Jeans?
If you’re looking for the latest "miracle" diet, look no further than the Sirtfood Diet. Promoted by Adele as the eating plan that helped her lose the baby weight, the diet certainly sounds enticing...
Alcohol and the Brain
Minimal alcohol intake is associated with untimely brain aging...
Not-So-Tipsy Tips to Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Reducing alcohol could have a positive impact on your health, but where do you even begin? Check out these tips!
Even Moderate Drinking Can Increase the Risk of Dementia
This research study suggests that drinking 4 glasses of wine or 4 pints of beer per week raises the risk of dementia...
Tips for Building an Anti-Inflammatory Eating Pattern
New research underscores what we already knew -- an anti-inflammatory eating pattern is great for your health...
How to Make Matcha Part of Your Eating Pattern
Your Brain on Brew
A new study out of the University of South Australia finds that coffee in excess may have a negative impact on brain health.
Meet Matcha!
The first time I saw matcha, I was entranced by the vibrant green color and intrigued about the possible health benefits...
Tips to Reduce Your Coffee Consumption
What are Added Sugars?
Added sugars are everywhere, and they're bad news for your health. But how exactly can you find added sugars? Which foods have these in high doses? Find out in today's post...
How Can I Reduce Added Sugars for Good Health?
There’s a world-wide debate about the optimum amount of added sugar in foods to promote good health. We know added sugar increases the risk of overweight and obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer; but how much is too much?
Positive Resolutions: Drink Up!
The August topic in our Positive Resolutions for the New Year project is Drink Up. Why? Hydration is vital to good health, especially during hot summer days...
Let's Limit Added Sugars
Let's Limit Alcohol
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