budget, cooking, farmers market Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII budget, cooking, farmers market Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

Freezer Magic: 8 Tips for Freezing Fruits and Vegetables

Did you take advantage of a store special on produce? Or perhaps you harvested a lot of items from your garden? Or did you simply buy too much produce to use in a week?Don't worry, there's good news about the bounty that is overflowing from your refrigerator and countertops, and the answer lies in your freezer. You can actually freeze a whole bunch of different fruits and vegetables to use later -- we'll show you how!

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weight control Stephanie Ronco weight control Stephanie Ronco

Coconut, Saturated Fat, and Your Heart

"I'm sure everyone else is as confused as I am! I have been working with people with CVD for over 20 years, and I just can't figure out why there are two such polar camps regarding saturated fats and heart disease."Get the answers in this great new post!

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Stephanie Ronco Stephanie Ronco

September 2016

September is just around the corner! Make your life easier with these timely and accessible resources...

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