Recently, there has been a trend of putting young, overweight children on diets meant for adults. Diets are not meant for children. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that children who are classified as overweight or obese maintain their current weight and only attempt to lose weight through calorie restriction if other risk factors for disease are present.
I recently began teaching an advanced pastry class for the culinary art students at Johnson and Wales Denver (JWU). I am totally loving it, but the topic and group posed a few new challenges to my usual cooking demonstration approach...
Allowing little hands to help out in the kitchen is about more than just cooking. It?s about developing other skill sets in a fun, non-threatening fashion.
Member-Only Articles
Educator Idea File: Fortune Teller
Tips to Help an Overweight Child
Recently, there has been a trend of putting young, overweight children on diets meant for adults. Diets are not meant for children. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that children who are classified as overweight or obese maintain their current weight and only attempt to lose weight through calorie restriction if other risk factors for disease are present.
Cooking Demonstration Tips
I recently began teaching an advanced pastry class for the culinary art students at Johnson and Wales Denver (JWU). I am totally loving it, but the topic and group posed a few new challenges to my usual cooking demonstration approach...
Food Science Lab 101 -- Making Sense of Scents
Shaping Little Chefs in the Kitchen
Allowing little hands to help out in the kitchen is about more than just cooking. It?s about developing other skill sets in a fun, non-threatening fashion.
Presentation Ideas: Free Radical Bulletin Board and Nutrition Games for Kids
Healthful Meal for Kids
School Lunches: What's New?
Top 10 Apps for Health: Part 2
Food Packages Make Best Displays
Shopping With Kids
Nutrition Olympics
Kids Cook
No Battles Better Eating
Fortune Teller
Farmers Market for Kids
Eat Well Play Well
Elementary School Classroom Shopping Activity
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