Weight loss may be beneficial in overweight and obese individuals, but does it offer the same benefits to lean individuals. Weight loss should not be advised unless medically necessary...
If you’re looking for the latest "miracle" diet, look no further than the Sirtfood Diet. Promoted by Adele as the eating plan that helped her lose the baby weight, the diet certainly sounds enticing...
In addition to being a frustrating situation for clients and practitioners, weight cycling may also be risky business for long-term physical and mental health...
Lasting weight management involves sustainable habits to avoid the “diet, cheat, repent, repeat” cycle. If losing weight and keeping it off were easy, people wouldn’t spend 60 billion annually on weight loss products and programs. This month we’ll review various methods of weight control, starting with intermittent fasting...
Member-Only Articles
When Is a Change in Weight Appropriate for the Prevention of Diabetes?
Weight loss may be beneficial in overweight and obese individuals, but does it offer the same benefits to lean individuals. Weight loss should not be advised unless medically necessary...
Do Skinny Genes Mean Skinny Jeans?
If you’re looking for the latest "miracle" diet, look no further than the Sirtfood Diet. Promoted by Adele as the eating plan that helped her lose the baby weight, the diet certainly sounds enticing...
For Better Weight Management, Keep Chewing
Health Risks of Weight Cycling
In addition to being a frustrating situation for clients and practitioners, weight cycling may also be risky business for long-term physical and mental health...
What the National Weight Control Registry Tells Us About Weight Loss
Sustainable habits make the biggest difference in success...
The Role of Exercise in Weight Management
Exercise is a second step in weight control...
Trends in Weight Control: Intermittent Fasting
Lasting weight management involves sustainable habits to avoid the “diet, cheat, repent, repeat” cycle. If losing weight and keeping it off were easy, people wouldn’t spend 60 billion annually on weight loss products and programs. This month we’ll review various methods of weight control, starting with intermittent fasting...
Weight Management and Your Brain
Fill up on fiber to prevent diabetes
COVID15 and the power of exercise
Your food, your mood
Fasting Over Feasting
New research is finding that fasting may be a better option for weight loss than we thought. It may also provide a whole host of other benefits...
The Key to Maintaining Weight Loss in the Long Term
Biometric makeover- BMI
Free your clients from fad diets
Diet, cheat, repent, repeat. Sound familiar?
New Research: Meal Timing and Body Fat
You don’t have to be the ‘biggest loser’
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