Weight loss may be beneficial in overweight and obese individuals, but does it offer the same benefits to lean individuals. Weight loss should not be advised unless medically necessary...
A new study in mice reveals a direct link between a high-fat diet and an increase in diabetes, as well as a decline in cognitive abilities, such as the development of anxiety, depression, and worsening Alzheimer’s disease.
If you’re looking for the latest "miracle" diet, look no further than the Sirtfood Diet. Promoted by Adele as the eating plan that helped her lose the baby weight, the diet certainly sounds enticing...
Now that you're familiar with everything we covered in Can Active Phase Calorie Restriction Increase Life Span? it's time to explore the science behind it...
In addition to being a frustrating situation for clients and practitioners, weight cycling may also be risky business for long-term physical and mental health...
Lasting weight management involves sustainable habits to avoid the “diet, cheat, repent, repeat” cycle. If losing weight and keeping it off were easy, people wouldn’t spend 60 billion annually on weight loss products and programs. This month we’ll review various methods of weight control, starting with intermittent fasting...
Member-Only Articles
Should Cravings Be Your Guide?
When Is a Change in Weight Appropriate for the Prevention of Diabetes?
Weight loss may be beneficial in overweight and obese individuals, but does it offer the same benefits to lean individuals. Weight loss should not be advised unless medically necessary...
Protect Your Microbiome
The key to good health is in your gut!
The Impact of a High-Fat Diet on Your Brain
A new study in mice reveals a direct link between a high-fat diet and an increase in diabetes, as well as a decline in cognitive abilities, such as the development of anxiety, depression, and worsening Alzheimer’s disease.
Sugar, Salt, Fat: Less is Best!
With unwanted weight gain comes unexpected chronic diseases...
Who is Most Vulnerable in the Obesity Epidemic?
The American obesity epidemic shows no sign of slowing. A new study shows who has been most affected over the past decade...
Do Skinny Genes Mean Skinny Jeans?
If you’re looking for the latest "miracle" diet, look no further than the Sirtfood Diet. Promoted by Adele as the eating plan that helped her lose the baby weight, the diet certainly sounds enticing...
Here's How RDNs and Other Educators Can Help During the Obesity Epidemic
How can health care providers help move the needle on obesity? Here are a few of my ideas...
Pandemic Relief: Eat, Move, Rest
If you’re feeling stressed, fatigued, and a little heavier than you’d like since the pandemic began in 2020, you’re not alone...
How Active Phase Calorie Restriction Can Increase Life Span
Now that you're familiar with everything we covered in Can Active Phase Calorie Restriction Increase Life Span? it's time to explore the science behind it...
For Better Weight Management, Keep Chewing
Health Risks of Weight Cycling
In addition to being a frustrating situation for clients and practitioners, weight cycling may also be risky business for long-term physical and mental health...
Fatty Liver and Chronic Kidney Disease: A Deadly Combination
Fatty liver disease impacts between 80 to 100 million people in the US, and it's on the rise!
Cutting Calories May Extend Your Life
What the National Weight Control Registry Tells Us About Weight Loss
Sustainable habits make the biggest difference in success...
The Role of Exercise in Weight Management
Exercise is a second step in weight control...
Trends in Weight Control: Intermittent Fasting
Lasting weight management involves sustainable habits to avoid the “diet, cheat, repent, repeat” cycle. If losing weight and keeping it off were easy, people wouldn’t spend 60 billion annually on weight loss products and programs. This month we’ll review various methods of weight control, starting with intermittent fasting...
Atomic Habits
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