Those taking high doses of vitamin D well in excess of current RDA levels actually tend to have more bone fractures, fall more frequently, sleep less well, and die sooner than those with lower levels...
Vitamin D has long been known as essential for healthy bone formation. However, vitamin D became the superstar of vitamins thanks in large part to its #1 promoter, Dr. Michael Holick. Now there is growing reason to believe Dr. Holick’s enthusiasm for promoting vitamin D as a super vitamin is not warranted...
Evidence continues to mount that a low-salt DASH-style diet can effectively lower elevated BP and alter numerous other known and suspected CVD risk factors...
By now you've probably heard all about the FDA's new food label design. Today I want take an in-depth look at some of the changes, focusing on the new "nutrients required" section...
The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage us to “shift to healthier food and beverage choices.” We make choices about what to eat and drink every day. Each choice is a chance to shift to a healthier option. Over time, these small shifts will move you toward a healthy eating pattern.
Here's the last installment of the Dietary Guidelines Nutrients of Concern series. Since the guidelines advise people to "Choose foods that provide more potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D, which are nutrients of concern in American diets," we've focused on discussing one of these nutrients per week. This week, we're going to talk about vitamin D...
The researchers concluded that high-dose Vitamin D3 therapy did modestly increase calcium absorption, but the effect was small and it did not translate into measurable beneficial effects on BMD, muscle function, muscle mass, or falls or fractures after one year.
Summer is officially here, and as the temperatures climb, we wanted to share a few strategies to help your clients make the most of the summer while fostering healthful habits...
July is a great time to make sure that you are getting enough vitamin D while still keeping your skin cancer risk low. Not sure how to do that? Check out this excerpt from our amazing vitamin D education program...
Member-Only Articles
Micronutrient Review
Now that the Vital Micronutrients series is complete, it's time to wrap things up. Here's our micronutrient review...
Micronutrients: Vitamin D
Now that it's officially Spring, let's help your clients get outside with this spotlight on vitamin D!
High-Dose Vitamin D is Bad for the Bones
Those taking high doses of vitamin D well in excess of current RDA levels actually tend to have more bone fractures, fall more frequently, sleep less well, and die sooner than those with lower levels...
Which Source of Vitamin D Works Best for You?
How exactly can you get enough vitamin D, and which sources will be best for you?
The Health Impact of Vitamin D
More Vitamin D Led to Thinner Bones
Vitamin D has long been known as essential for healthy bone formation. However, vitamin D became the superstar of vitamins thanks in large part to its #1 promoter, Dr. Michael Holick. Now there is growing reason to believe Dr. Holick’s enthusiasm for promoting vitamin D as a super vitamin is not warranted...
New Food Label Spotlight: Vitamin D
Preventing Calcified Arteries
Evidence continues to mount that a low-salt DASH-style diet can effectively lower elevated BP and alter numerous other known and suspected CVD risk factors...
Aging and Sarcopenia
Starting at about age 30, we begin to lose muscle mass and strength...
Healthy Skin: Part Two
Choose foods every day that contain essential nutrients for beautiful, healthy skin. Consider some of these options…
New Food Label Spotlight: Vitamins and Minerals
By now you've probably heard all about the FDA's new food label design. Today I want take an in-depth look at some of the changes, focusing on the new "nutrients required" section...
Small Shifts
The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage us to “shift to healthier food and beverage choices.” We make choices about what to eat and drink every day. Each choice is a chance to shift to a healthier option. Over time, these small shifts will move you toward a healthy eating pattern.
Vitamin D and the Dietary Guidelines
Here's the last installment of the Dietary Guidelines Nutrients of Concern series. Since the guidelines advise people to "Choose foods that provide more potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D, which are nutrients of concern in American diets," we've focused on discussing one of these nutrients per week. This week, we're going to talk about vitamin D...
It's Healthy Skin Month!
What you know about your skin? Get a closer look at the role of your skin and don't miss the tips and tricks for keeping it healthy!
Do Vitamin D Supplements Improve Bone Health?
The researchers concluded that high-dose Vitamin D3 therapy did modestly increase calcium absorption, but the effect was small and it did not translate into measurable beneficial effects on BMD, muscle function, muscle mass, or falls or fractures after one year.
3 Tips for Summer Survival
Summer is officially here, and as the temperatures climb, we wanted to share a few strategies to help your clients make the most of the summer while fostering healthful habits...
MyPlate Dairy
Teach your clients all about the basics of the MyPlate Dairy Group in this fantastic new post! There's even a new PDF handout!
Vitamin D and You!
July is a great time to make sure that you are getting enough vitamin D while still keeping your skin cancer risk low. Not sure how to do that? Check out this excerpt from our amazing vitamin D education program...
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