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Member-Only Articles
The Health Impact of Cooking Oils: A Comparison
When it comes to selecting which oil you're going to use for your cooking project, it turns out that flavor is only one of many considerations. Here's everything you need to know about the health impact of various cooking oils...
Sugar, Salt, Fat: Less is Best!
With unwanted weight gain comes unexpected chronic diseases...
Functional Ingredients 101
The advice to “only eat foods that you can read and pronounce” is often misguided. Cyanocobalamin may be a big, unfriendly word to consumers, but in reality, it’s simply vitamin B12. Foods are often enriched with other ingredients to boost their nutritional content and health benefit...
Frozen Seafood: A Heart Healthy Menu Option
Diet and the Risk of Dementia
Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee: Evidence on Diet and Health Part Four
Our series on the scientific report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee continues, this time with a look at Diet and Health Relationships: Individuals Ages 2 Years and Older...
Is Red Meat Now Safe?
Comparing Salad Dressings
the dressing you pour on your salad can add a lot of unexpected calories, fat, sugar, and more! Take a look inside to see how your favorite dressing compares to the others...
Which is Better for Your Cholesterol -- Red or White Meat?
We’ve been told to avoid red meat and instead choose white meat to lower our cholesterol levels and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. A new study is the first to delve further into the red meat/white meat recommendations, attempting to identify which specific aspects of red meat lead to increased risk...
High-Fat Diet Promotes Deadly Colon Cancer
While this research may someday lead to medical treatments that will help treat and perhaps help prevent deaths from aggressive colon cancers it also reinforces what we already know can help reduce the risk of developing and dying from colon cancers, which are the #1 cancer killer of non-smoking Americans...
Science or Fiction?
A new analysis of scientific evidence was performed to examine the proof behind popular diet claims...
Coconut, Saturated Fat, and Your Heart
"I'm sure everyone else is as confused as I am! I have been working with people with CVD for over 20 years, and I just can't figure out why there are two such polar camps regarding saturated fats and heart disease."Get the answers in this great new post!
New guidelines on fat intake to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease BY AHA
Spring MyPlate Tips
Now that spring is officially here, it's time to look at what the season has to offer in terms of everyone's favorite food graphic. Here are a few of our top MyPlate tips for spring...
Aging Well with Healthful Fats
As you plan your daily meals and snacks, one important component of promoting physical health and a healthy, functioning brain as you age is the type and amount of fat you consume...
Kitchen Hack: Beans Instead of Meat
The research is clear: beans are a superior choice to ground beef when it comes to fiber and saturated fat. Beans have almost half the calories, roughly 20 fewer grams of fat, and 6 grams more fiber than the same serving of ground beef...
Halt Prediabetes with 5 Diet Tips
If you are one of the 86 million Americans with prediabetes, your best chance to avoid developing type 2 diabetes is to boost your body’s insulin sensitivity.
Meatless Meals and Your Health
Research indicates that eating more fruits and vegetables is beneficial to your health. Here are a few painless ways to eat more fruits and vegetable each day...
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