Understanding nutrition and good health is tough. Here's a handout with a few of the basics. I hope it makes your life (and your clients' lives) easier...
Potatoes are a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and niacin; and contain the minerals potassium, copper, manganese, and phosphorus. In fact, white potatoes contain more potassium per standard serving than any other vegetable. Include the skin when you prepare potatoes, and they’re also a good source of fiber. Potatoes also contain a variety of phytonutrients, nutrients produced by plants that help promote overall health. Potatoes are also low in saturated fat and sodium, two nutrients when consumed in large amounts are associated with increased risk of heart disease...
It's time to take advantage of all the perfect summer fruit out there! This berry fact sheet provides a great opportunity to engage your clients with new and healthful foods...
Here's the last installment of the Dietary Guidelines Nutrients of Concern series. Since the guidelines advise people to "Choose foods that provide more potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D, which are nutrients of concern in American diets," we've focused on discussing one of these nutrients per week. This week, we're going to talk about vitamin D...
Learn the basics about butternut squash in today's special veggie post! In this post, you'll find a discussion of what butternut squash tastes like, what nutrients it contains, and how to cook with it. There's also downloadable clipart and a free PDF handout...
What is potassium? Why is it a nutrient of concern? How can people increase their potassium intake? What impact does potassium have on health? Get the answers to all these questions -- and more! -- in today's post!
Most Americans simply aren’t getting enough of certain vital nutrients, including calcium, dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamin D. Let's start with a closer look at calcium -- what it is, where to get it, what your body does with it, and what happens when you don't get enough...
July is a great time to make sure that you are getting enough vitamin D while still keeping your skin cancer risk low. Not sure how to do that? Check out this excerpt from our amazing vitamin D education program...
Member-Only Articles
The Hottest Nutrition and Health Posts of Sumer 2022
Have you shared the resources below with your clients?
The demand for all things cauliflower has hit an impressive high these past few years...
Free Handout: Nutrition Basics
Understanding nutrition and good health is tough. Here's a handout with a few of the basics. I hope it makes your life (and your clients' lives) easier...
Intro to Micronutrients
Did you know that micronutrient inadequacies are actually common in the United States?
Are You Getting Enough Choline?
Choline is crucial for the liver, muscle, and brain and it plays important roles in memory, mood, muscle control and preventing atherosclerosis...
Don't Fear the Potato!
Potatoes are a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and niacin; and contain the minerals potassium, copper, manganese, and phosphorus. In fact, white potatoes contain more potassium per standard serving than any other vegetable. Include the skin when you prepare potatoes, and they’re also a good source of fiber. Potatoes also contain a variety of phytonutrients, nutrients produced by plants that help promote overall health. Potatoes are also low in saturated fat and sodium, two nutrients when consumed in large amounts are associated with increased risk of heart disease...
Berry Fact Sheet
It's time to take advantage of all the perfect summer fruit out there! This berry fact sheet provides a great opportunity to engage your clients with new and healthful foods...
Nutrition 101: Protein
Protein is essential to maintaining our body’s systems and functions...
The Appendices of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
It's time for a preview from the newest addition to the collection of continuing education courses for nutrition and health professionals...
Vitamin D and the Dietary Guidelines
Here's the last installment of the Dietary Guidelines Nutrients of Concern series. Since the guidelines advise people to "Choose foods that provide more potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D, which are nutrients of concern in American diets," we've focused on discussing one of these nutrients per week. This week, we're going to talk about vitamin D...
Butternut Squash 101
Learn the basics about butternut squash in today's special veggie post! In this post, you'll find a discussion of what butternut squash tastes like, what nutrients it contains, and how to cook with it. There's also downloadable clipart and a free PDF handout...
Potassium and the Dietary Guidelines
What is potassium? Why is it a nutrient of concern? How can people increase their potassium intake? What impact does potassium have on health? Get the answers to all these questions -- and more! -- in today's post!
Calcium and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Most Americans simply aren’t getting enough of certain vital nutrients, including calcium, dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamin D. Let's start with a closer look at calcium -- what it is, where to get it, what your body does with it, and what happens when you don't get enough...
Spotlight on Calcium
What would a premium membership be without amazing handouts? Here's a PDF and the text of the Calcium Handout -- get your copy today!
Vitamin D and You!
July is a great time to make sure that you are getting enough vitamin D while still keeping your skin cancer risk low. Not sure how to do that? Check out this excerpt from our amazing vitamin D education program...
Educator Idea File: Category-Style Game
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