You have likely heard the connection between a high-fat diet, aging, and risk for diabetes and other chronic problems. But did you know that these factors may also impact your immune system?
Your gut is home to millions of strains of bacteria known collectively as “microbiota” or the “gut microbiome.” And just like snowflakes, everyone’s gut microbiota is uniquely different...
If Americans stick with a diet that is far lower in fatty animal products and cholesterol and composed largely of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, then they will reduce the inflammation and other chemical changes that promote colon cancer.
Member-Only Articles
For Better Gut Health, Cut Sugar!
A recent study on mice sheds light on the way sugar intake may impact our gut microbiome, the risk of diabetes, and unwanted weight gain...
A Healthy Gut Can Help with Sleep
Aging, a High-Fat Eating Pattern, and Your Immune System
You have likely heard the connection between a high-fat diet, aging, and risk for diabetes and other chronic problems. But did you know that these factors may also impact your immune system?
Inside the Microbiome
Your gut is home to millions of strains of bacteria known collectively as “microbiota” or the “gut microbiome.” And just like snowflakes, everyone’s gut microbiota is uniquely different...
Microbiome Glossary - Learning About Gut Health
Diet Swap Increases Risk of Colon Cancer in Two Weeks
If Americans stick with a diet that is far lower in fatty animal products and cholesterol and composed largely of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, then they will reduce the inflammation and other chemical changes that promote colon cancer.
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