Eating salads that contain a variety of types of lettuce is associated with several health benefits, including higher nutrient intake, consuming fewer calories, and slower cognitive decline associated with aging...
Now that you're familiar with everything we covered in Can Active Phase Calorie Restriction Increase Life Span? it's time to explore the science behind it...
Research that followed over 37,000 middle-aged Americans showed that those who ate the most plant protein were 27% less likely to die of any cause and nearly 30% less likely to diet of coronary heart disease than those who consumed the least amount of plant protein...
A new study published in Circulation finds more reasons for the “5 a day” fruit and vegetable recommendation. Eating 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables each day may help reduce the risk of death from CVD, cancer, and respiratory disease.
One often overlooked effect of aging is decreased sense of smell and taste that can lead to diminished appetite and weight loss, malnutrition, impaired immunity, and worsening health...
Member-Only Articles
Do Foods Need to be Colorful to be Healthful?
Lettuce: Leafy, Healthy, and Delicious!
Eating salads that contain a variety of types of lettuce is associated with several health benefits, including higher nutrient intake, consuming fewer calories, and slower cognitive decline associated with aging...
Can Active Phase Calorie Restriction Increase Life Span?
If you’re looking to extend your life, the timing and quantity of your meals may be the key...
How Active Phase Calorie Restriction Can Increase Life Span
Now that you're familiar with everything we covered in Can Active Phase Calorie Restriction Increase Life Span? it's time to explore the science behind it...
Eat More Plants and Less Meat: Here's How
Research that followed over 37,000 middle-aged Americans showed that those who ate the most plant protein were 27% less likely to die of any cause and nearly 30% less likely to diet of coronary heart disease than those who consumed the least amount of plant protein...
Could Changing Eating Patterns Promote Longevity?
If making a few changes to what’s on your plate could increase your lifespan by 13 years, would you do it?
Improve Immunity with Food, Not Probiotic Supplements
High-fiber foods may be more powerful for immune function than probiotic supplements...
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Prevention and Treatment
hese 11 tips will help prevent developing NAFLD as well as treat it once diagnosed...
Activity Ideas for Seniors
Want to help your clients get moving? Here are a few ways for them to start...
What is Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?
You may not have heard of it yet, but nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in the United States...
Looking for Better Cell Function? Choose Diet Over Drugs
Go Inside the MIND Diet
Want to learn more about the MIND diet and explore ways to help your audience get the basics too?
For Better Brain Health, MIND Your Eating Pattern
Rush University Medical Center scientists have discovered that older adults may benefit from a nutritious diet known as the MIND diet...
5 a Day for a Longer Life
A new study published in Circulation finds more reasons for the “5 a day” fruit and vegetable recommendation. Eating 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables each day may help reduce the risk of death from CVD, cancer, and respiratory disease.
Obesity May Exacerbate Alzheimer's Disease
A new study out of the University of Sheffield has discovered that being overweight may exacerbate Alzheimer’s disease...
Fasting Over Feasting
New research is finding that fasting may be a better option for weight loss than we thought. It may also provide a whole host of other benefits...
A Plant-Based Eating Pattern May Help You Live Longer
Taste and Aging
One often overlooked effect of aging is decreased sense of smell and taste that can lead to diminished appetite and weight loss, malnutrition, impaired immunity, and worsening health...
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