It is more than likely that those with early CKD can slow their progression to end stage renal disease (ESRD) and failed kidneys by consuming a diet with more whole plant foods and less animal protein and added salt...
New research suggests that eating a healthy plant-based diet may reduce the risk of kidney disease, but high-sugar, vegetarian junk food may raise that same risk.
Member-Only Articles
Plant Diet Reduces End Stage Renal Disease
It is more than likely that those with early CKD can slow their progression to end stage renal disease (ESRD) and failed kidneys by consuming a diet with more whole plant foods and less animal protein and added salt...
A Healthy, Plant-Based Diet May Protect Your Kidneys
New research suggests that eating a healthy plant-based diet may reduce the risk of kidney disease, but high-sugar, vegetarian junk food may raise that same risk.
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