The American Heart Association recently released updated diet and lifestyle guidelines to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, and here are the rest...
Taking a baby aspirin for prevention of heart disease has been suggested for years until just recently. Baby aspirin is affordable and accessible, but is it still advised?
Up until now, men’s and women’s blood pressure guidelines were matched. But new research suggests that normal blood pressure is not the same between the sexes...
Not enough sleep is linked with obesity, physical inactivity, mistakes at work, car crashes, and 10 chronic health conditions: heart attack, coronary heart disease, stroke, asthma, COPD, cancer, arthritis, depression, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes.
Fruits and vegetables are nutrition powerhouses, yet most people don't eat nearly enough of them each day! Let's take a look at the science behind MyPlate's recommendation to "fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal."
High in vital trace minerals and unique antioxidants, oats can lower cholesterol levels and help you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They're also naturally gluten-free! What's not to love? Let's take a closer look at these nutrient powerhouses.
How does heart disease develop? What causes it? Why? Today's post will walk you through the answers to these questions, shedding light on the latest research and offering a brand-new handout...
Member-Only Articles
Update to the AHA Guidelines: Part Two
The American Heart Association recently released updated diet and lifestyle guidelines to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, and here are the rest...
Update to the AHA Guidelines: Part One
The American Heart Association recently released updated diet and lifestyle guidelines to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease...
New Guidance on Baby Aspirin for Adults
Taking a baby aspirin for prevention of heart disease has been suggested for years until just recently. Baby aspirin is affordable and accessible, but is it still advised?
Women Have Lower Blood Pressure
Up until now, men’s and women’s blood pressure guidelines were matched. But new research suggests that normal blood pressure is not the same between the sexes...
Go Nuts!
Despite the risk for food allergy, the latest recommendations from the US Dietary Guideline Advisory Committee suggests increasing intake of nuts...
Is Red Meat Now Safe?
Ways to Eat to Improve Your Sleep
Not enough sleep is linked with obesity, physical inactivity, mistakes at work, car crashes, and 10 chronic health conditions: heart attack, coronary heart disease, stroke, asthma, COPD, cancer, arthritis, depression, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes.
Say Yes to Cardiac Rehab
Cardiac rehab reduces the risk of death and future cardiac events, cuts down on hospitalizations, and improves quality of life...
Triglyceride Factsheet for Heart Month
It's American Heart Month and I've got a few brand-new resources to share with you! Let's kick things off with this triglyceride factsheet...
Fact Sheet: Heart Disease Prevention
Today I want to talk about preventing heart disease...
Handout: Fruits, Veggies, and Your Health
Have you gotten your free copy of the Up, Up, and Away fruit and vegetable handout yet? This post makes the perfect companion piece...
Sodium Savvy: Why Worry About Sodium Intake?
Take a closer look at the impact of sodium on health...
Fill Half Your Plate with Fruits and Vegetables at Each Meal
Fruits and vegetables are nutrition powerhouses, yet most people don't eat nearly enough of them each day! Let's take a look at the science behind MyPlate's recommendation to "fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal."
What Do You Know About Oats?
High in vital trace minerals and unique antioxidants, oats can lower cholesterol levels and help you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They're also naturally gluten-free! What's not to love? Let's take a closer look at these nutrient powerhouses.
Heart Disease Guide
How does heart disease develop? What causes it? Why? Today's post will walk you through the answers to these questions, shedding light on the latest research and offering a brand-new handout...
Heart Disease Prevention Tips
Heart disease can be a scary thing. The good news is, it's possible to take steps to lower your risk. Let's talk lifestyle...
Take Control of Your Cholesterol Levels
It's time to help your clients take control of their cholesterol levels. Let's get right down to it!
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