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Member-Only Articles
More Fiber, Less Sugar and Salt, Please
How can you get more fiber in your diet with less sugar, salt, and fat? Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD has some answers...
What are Added Sugars?
Added sugars are everywhere, and they're bad news for your health. But how exactly can you find added sugars? Which foods have these in high doses? Find out in today's post...
Hot facts about frozen meals
What's Juicy?
Fact Checking: Cereal Package Claims Versus The Food Label Facts
Nutrition Label Update: Get More from the Label
The recent updates to the nutrition facts label show off a new, cleaner design that’s meant to make it easier to quickly identify useful information. The updates also reflect the most recent scientific research on the links between food choices and chronic disease so that you can make healthy, great-tasting choices for you and your family...
New Food Label Spotlight: Potassium on your plate
Are Added Fibers Good for You?
Processed foods with added fibers can potentially help close the fiber gap. But are these isolated or synthetic fibers beneficial? That depends...
New Food Label Spotlight: Sodium Sense
New Food Label Spotlight: 7 Months Before The New Label Is Here!
New Qualified Health Claim for Food Labels
“Supportive but not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that daily consumption of about 1½ tablespoons (20 grams) of oils containing high levels of oleic acid, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease...”
Two Tools: Using MyPlate and Nutrition Facts Labels to Boost Health
When you use these tools to plan your meals, steer your shopping, and affect your eating, you will be building a more balanced eating pattern that will in turn promote good health. What's not to love?
Does Banning Trans Fat Reduce Heart Disease?
While cardiovascular disease nationwide had already seen a decline, the drop was more dramatic in counties where trans fat was outlawed...
FDA Rule Updates
Useful Label Reading Strategies
Spring MyPlate Tips
Now that spring is officially here, it's time to look at what the season has to offer in terms of everyone's favorite food graphic. Here are a few of our top MyPlate tips for spring...
Aging Well with Healthful Fats
As you plan your daily meals and snacks, one important component of promoting physical health and a healthy, functioning brain as you age is the type and amount of fat you consume...
Kitchen Hack: Freeze the Soup
When I was in Whole Foods the other day, I was delighted to see that some of the newly-redesigned food labels are finally hitting the shelves!
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