Understanding nutrition and good health is tough. Here's a handout with a few of the basics. I hope it makes your life (and your clients' lives) easier...
Reading food labels is the best way to purchase the healthiest foods for you and your family. Unfortunately, many people find it difficult, confusing, and even overwhelming to sort through the nutrition facts label...
Studies show that people that eat out 3 or more times per week eat more fat, sodium and calories and fewer vitamins, minerals, and fiber than those that eat in. Stock your kitchen with nutritious foods to save your waistline and wallet!
Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, LD is on the blog today with a closer look at the Dietary Guidelines for Americans' protein recommendations for men and teenage boys...
Check out this free preview of one of our most popular PowerPoint shows: Sodium Savvy! It features the latest information about sodium from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans...
For the most part, the foods you eat to help your heart also nourish your noggin. People with heart disease are more likely to have cognitive impairments and dementia. That’s not surprising since both the heart and the brain require healthy blood vessels free of atherosclerosis...
By now, I bet your clients have already learned the basics of portion control. I've offered tons of handouts about ways to get started and manage portions effectively, and I've gotten to hear about lots of amazing portion control activities from you, you wonderful readers. But is that all there is to the portion control story? I say no, and that's why I'm presenting 3 new ways to improve portion control.
It seems like every time you turn around, companies are adding a new claim to their product packaging. So how can your clients decipher all these crazy assertions, much less separate the useful ones from the misdirection? Why, with this handy-dandy guide, of course!
Member-Only Articles
Studio Tour
Check out the creation studio that's responsible for bringing you all the wonderful photos and recipes you see on this blog...
Free Handout: Nutrition Basics
Understanding nutrition and good health is tough. Here's a handout with a few of the basics. I hope it makes your life (and your clients' lives) easier...
Reading Food Labels to Identify the Healthiest Foods
Reading food labels is the best way to purchase the healthiest foods for you and your family. Unfortunately, many people find it difficult, confusing, and even overwhelming to sort through the nutrition facts label...
Must read book, Hungry
Making Family Mealtime Successful
Plant Based Diet Could Save $1000 Per Month
Food Delivery? There's an App for That
10 Cheap and Healthful Foods
Studies show that people that eat out 3 or more times per week eat more fat, sodium and calories and fewer vitamins, minerals, and fiber than those that eat in. Stock your kitchen with nutritious foods to save your waistline and wallet!
Spices and Flavor: What You Need to Know
The fun continues with this exploration of the flavors and applications of a few of the most common spices...
A Guide to Spectacular and Professional Plate Presentations
Help your clients make healthier choices by making nutritious foods more appealing in your displays and cooking demonstrations...
Protein, Guys, and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, LD is on the blog today with a closer look at the Dietary Guidelines for Americans' protein recommendations for men and teenage boys...
Sodium Savvy
Check out this free preview of one of our most popular PowerPoint shows: Sodium Savvy! It features the latest information about sodium from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans...
Brain-Healthy Foods
For the most part, the foods you eat to help your heart also nourish your noggin. People with heart disease are more likely to have cognitive impairments and dementia. That’s not surprising since both the heart and the brain require healthy blood vessels free of atherosclerosis...
Photographing Food on a Light Table: A Tutorial
Here you can learn how to purchase a light table and use it for fabulous food photography that really makes beautiful photos of fruits and vegetables.
Tasty Weeknight Dinner
This recipe reduces the fat and amps up the flavor of a classic dish. Check it out!
3 Ways to Improve Portion Control
By now, I bet your clients have already learned the basics of portion control. I've offered tons of handouts about ways to get started and manage portions effectively, and I've gotten to hear about lots of amazing portion control activities from you, you wonderful readers. But is that all there is to the portion control story? I say no, and that's why I'm presenting 3 new ways to improve portion control.
Reading Package Claims: A Guide
It seems like every time you turn around, companies are adding a new claim to their product packaging. So how can your clients decipher all these crazy assertions, much less separate the useful ones from the misdirection? Why, with this handy-dandy guide, of course!
Top 10 Apps for Health: Part 2
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