If you’re looking for the latest "miracle" diet, look no further than the Sirtfood Diet. Promoted by Adele as the eating plan that helped her lose the baby weight, the diet certainly sounds enticing...
Potatoes are a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and niacin; and contain the minerals potassium, copper, manganese, and phosphorus. In fact, white potatoes contain more potassium per standard serving than any other vegetable. Include the skin when you prepare potatoes, and they’re also a good source of fiber. Potatoes also contain a variety of phytonutrients, nutrients produced by plants that help promote overall health. Potatoes are also low in saturated fat and sodium, two nutrients when consumed in large amounts are associated with increased risk of heart disease...
How will you help your clients turn their resolutions into solutions? MyPlate offeres 2 key tips: focus on long-term solutions instead of quick fixes, and encourage self-assessment resources. Let's take a look at each one in more detail, shall we?
Research synonyms for sugar and you find ?sweet? and ?dearest.? But ask most fad diet enthusiasts, and they will associate sugar with ?evil,? ?toxin,? and even ?poison.? Too much of anything is no good, but vilifying this carbohydrate without distinguishing between natural sugar and refined sugar has gone too far. Here?s the real skinny on sugar.
Bazzano and Hu?s study does not provide convincing evidence that replacing whole grains, fruits, and beans with fatty animal products high in saturated fat and cholesterol won't promote atherosclerosis and more CVD in the long term.
Should we eat like our cave-dwelling ancestors? Proponents of the paleo diet seem to think so. We decided to take a closer look at this popular diet in order to determine whether or not it is actually good for your health.
In today's post, Jill Weisenberger, MS, RD, CDE, debunks fad diet claims. So get ready Sensa, Master Cleanse, Wheat Belly, and Magic Weight Loss Tea -- we're bringing science to the table!
Member-Only Articles
Do Skinny Genes Mean Skinny Jeans?
If you’re looking for the latest "miracle" diet, look no further than the Sirtfood Diet. Promoted by Adele as the eating plan that helped her lose the baby weight, the diet certainly sounds enticing...
More plants, less cow for best health
Need a Great Class Idea? Try Optimizing!
Here are the most popular themes for books right now, along with a few corresponding class ideas that make healthy eating seem really fun.
Don't Fear the Potato!
Potatoes are a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and niacin; and contain the minerals potassium, copper, manganese, and phosphorus. In fact, white potatoes contain more potassium per standard serving than any other vegetable. Include the skin when you prepare potatoes, and they’re also a good source of fiber. Potatoes also contain a variety of phytonutrients, nutrients produced by plants that help promote overall health. Potatoes are also low in saturated fat and sodium, two nutrients when consumed in large amounts are associated with increased risk of heart disease...
Science or Fiction?
A new analysis of scientific evidence was performed to examine the proof behind popular diet claims...
The Truth About The Alkaline Diet
Resolutions into Solutions
How will you help your clients turn their resolutions into solutions? MyPlate offeres 2 key tips: focus on long-term solutions instead of quick fixes, and encourage self-assessment resources. Let's take a look at each one in more detail, shall we?
The Skinny on Sugar
Research synonyms for sugar and you find ?sweet? and ?dearest.? But ask most fad diet enthusiasts, and they will associate sugar with ?evil,? ?toxin,? and even ?poison.? Too much of anything is no good, but vilifying this carbohydrate without distinguishing between natural sugar and refined sugar has gone too far. Here?s the real skinny on sugar.
The Impact of Atkins on Nutrition Research
Bazzano and Hu?s study does not provide convincing evidence that replacing whole grains, fruits, and beans with fatty animal products high in saturated fat and cholesterol won't promote atherosclerosis and more CVD in the long term.
Fad or Fact? A Review of Grain Brain
As Seen on TV: Crazy Diet Trends
Hope or Hype?
Ups and Downs of the Paleo Diet
Should we eat like our cave-dwelling ancestors? Proponents of the paleo diet seem to think so. We decided to take a closer look at this popular diet in order to determine whether or not it is actually good for your health.
As Seen on TV -- Crazy Diet Trends
In today's post, Jill Weisenberger, MS, RD, CDE, debunks fad diet claims. So get ready Sensa, Master Cleanse, Wheat Belly, and Magic Weight Loss Tea -- we're bringing science to the table!
DASH Out of the Cave
Combat Fad Diets
Low Carb Diets Bad for Heart
The Big Fat Lie Discredited
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