If you’re looking for the latest "miracle" diet, look no further than the Sirtfood Diet. Promoted by Adele as the eating plan that helped her lose the baby weight, the diet certainly sounds enticing...
There’s been a lot of talk lately about intermittent fasting for weight loss... but is this all just talk or is there scientific information to back it up?
Member-Only Articles
Do Skinny Genes Mean Skinny Jeans?
If you’re looking for the latest "miracle" diet, look no further than the Sirtfood Diet. Promoted by Adele as the eating plan that helped her lose the baby weight, the diet certainly sounds enticing...
Intermittent Fasting: A Scientific Look
There’s been a lot of talk lately about intermittent fasting for weight loss... but is this all just talk or is there scientific information to back it up?
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