One of our favorite dietitian writers is Victoria Shanta Retelny, RDN, LDN. She is the author of her own website, Simple Cravings, Real Food and now also of a new book titled, Total Body Diet for Dummies. Today I have a special treat because Vicki has allowed us to share one of our favorite pages from that book with the readers of Food and Health Communications, Inc...
You’ve heard the saying “don’t try this at home,” but when you’re talking about sous vide cooking, that advice does not apply. Sous vide can be done at home, with the proper equipment and instructions… but there are some areas of concern and caution.
Doesn't having the right equipment make all the difference? It's that much easier to get a healthful dinner on the table when you're not improvising saucepans or digging through cutlery. In order to help your clients reach their health goals, I highly recommend that you make sure that they've got the essentials for healthful cooking on hand...
I've been studying 3-star desserts and presentations lately, and it has been super inspiring! Applying the same visual principles to healthful and balanced foods can make them look even more appealing. Plus, it's fun to put together a pretty plate of food. Here's my latest creation -- the Strawberry Snack Plate.
Want to learn about pressure cookers? Check out these tips and tricks, links to resources, a free handout, and a list of 10 things that my team and I learned while testing pressure cookers...
Member-Only Articles
Hot Air Fryer: Greaseless Fries in a Flash
5 Simple Ways to Liven Up Your Kitchen
One of our favorite dietitian writers is Victoria Shanta Retelny, RDN, LDN. She is the author of her own website, Simple Cravings, Real Food and now also of a new book titled, Total Body Diet for Dummies. Today I have a special treat because Vicki has allowed us to share one of our favorite pages from that book with the readers of Food and Health Communications, Inc...
Basic Tips for Sous Vide Cooking
You’ve heard the saying “don’t try this at home,” but when you’re talking about sous vide cooking, that advice does not apply. Sous vide can be done at home, with the proper equipment and instructions… but there are some areas of concern and caution.
10 Must-Have Tools for the Home Kitchen
Doesn't having the right equipment make all the difference? It's that much easier to get a healthful dinner on the table when you're not improvising saucepans or digging through cutlery. In order to help your clients reach their health goals, I highly recommend that you make sure that they've got the essentials for healthful cooking on hand...
Strawberry Sensation!
I've been studying 3-star desserts and presentations lately, and it has been super inspiring! Applying the same visual principles to healthful and balanced foods can make them look even more appealing. Plus, it's fun to put together a pretty plate of food. Here's my latest creation -- the Strawberry Snack Plate.
Under Pressure: Cooking with Pressure Cookers
Want to learn about pressure cookers? Check out these tips and tricks, links to resources, a free handout, and a list of 10 things that my team and I learned while testing pressure cookers...
Kitchen Equipment Survey
Stomach Cancer Risk Factors
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