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Member-Only Articles
Whole Food Diet for Heart Health
Choose a whole foods approach that pays equal attention to the types of foods consumed as well as types of foods to exclude.
5 Common Energy Zappers
Avoid these 5 common traps that zap your energy and end up making you feel tired and out of sorts.
Plant Messages from the DGAC
The 2015 report by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) features a new section on sustainable diets, a new review of nutrients of concern, and more! Check out Lynn Grieger's review of the plant messages from the DGAC right here!
Energy Myths
Everyone is talking about energy these days ? where we get it, how we use it, etc. Let?s take some time to delve into the world of energy, starting with these common energy myths.
11 Tips to Reduce Sugar Intake
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recently recommended reducing added sugar consumption from the current 16% of calories to 10% of total calorie intake. This would help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, tooth decay, and obesity. Use these 11 tips to reduce your added sugar intake.
Energy: An Inside Look
We?re bombarded with advertisements for foods, beverages, and supplements to improve energy levels, increase focus and attention span, and get us through a mid-afternoon slump. Understanding the difference between the hype and the truth is key for optimum energy levels and good health.
How Do Minerals Work: Part Two
Minerals are micronutrients, and we need them for good health. There are 15 different minerals that can be divided into two primary groups: macrominerals and trace minerals.
Dried Fruit: A Healthy Alternative to Fresh
According to information from the 1999-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, people who routinely eat dried fruit have a higher intake of several vitamins and minerals (1). Dried fruit is a good source of fiber, potassium, and iron, and though some antioxidants (such as vitamin C) are lost during the drying process, dried fruit manages to retain a high overall antioxidant content.
Introduction to High-Intensity Sweeteners
Whether you call them sugar substitutes, non-nutritive sweeteners or high-intensity sweeteners, you?re looking at substances that impart a sweet taste to foods and beverages. They do this either without calories or with only a few calories, and they have little to no impact on blood glucose levels.
How Do Minerals Work? Part One
We don?t eat rocks or dirt, but did you know that they are actually an important part of the food chain? Minerals in the earth are absorbed by water and plants, and then we absorb those same minerals when we eat plants or drink water. We also get minerals when we eat or drink foods that come from animals that consumed the mineral-rich plants and water.
Physical Activity Guidelines and You
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans provide science-based guidance to encourage Americans to improve health through appropriate physical activity. Let's explore how much, when, why, and how...
How Do Vitamins Work? Part Two
The How Do Vitamins Work? series continues with a closer look at fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. What do they do? What foods contain them? Get the answers in today's post...
Resistant Starch: A Different Type of Fiber
Starchy foods in general have a bad name, but resistant starch is bucking the trend. Why? Well, because it has tons of health benefits!
How Do Vitamins Work? Part One
There are 13 different vitamins, and they?re vital micronutrients. You can divide them into two groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble.
Bottled Water: A Billion Dollar Business
Have you ever wondered about the different types of water? How is artesian water different from mineral water? Do those distinctions actually matter? Here?s a guide to everything you need to know about water!
The Lowdown on Energy Drinks
It seems like we?ll eat or drink anything that will increase our lagging energy levels. Put the phrase ?boost your energy? on a food or beverage, and we think, ?Hey, I need that!?But do you really? Let's take a closer look at energy drinks...
Omega-3s for You and Me
We know that eating seafood high in omega-3 fatty acids is good for our health. Find out just how good they are in this post...
Balancing Diet and Exercise
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