"These findings suggest that coronary atherosclerosis can be avoided in most people by achieving a lifetime very low LDL, low blood pressure, low glucose, normal BMI, no smoking, and plenty of physical activity."
The optimal ratio of fat/carbohydrate/protein for promoting healthy weight loss is still a matter of debate. Some researchers have suggested higher fat, lower carbohydrate diets are better for weight loss in insulin resistant people...
How does heart disease develop? What causes it? Why? Today's post will walk you through the answers to these questions, shedding light on the latest research and offering a brand-new handout...
Member-Only Articles
What Can the Tsimane Teach Us About Heart Disease?
"These findings suggest that coronary atherosclerosis can be avoided in most people by achieving a lifetime very low LDL, low blood pressure, low glucose, normal BMI, no smoking, and plenty of physical activity."
Triglyceride Factsheet for Heart Month
It's American Heart Month and I've got a few brand-new resources to share with you! Let's kick things off with this triglyceride factsheet...
Walnuts, Weight Loss, and Blood Lipids
The optimal ratio of fat/carbohydrate/protein for promoting healthy weight loss is still a matter of debate. Some researchers have suggested higher fat, lower carbohydrate diets are better for weight loss in insulin resistant people...
Heart Disease Guide
How does heart disease develop? What causes it? Why? Today's post will walk you through the answers to these questions, shedding light on the latest research and offering a brand-new handout...
Heart Disease Prevention Tips
Heart disease can be a scary thing. The good news is, it's possible to take steps to lower your risk. Let's talk lifestyle...
Impaired Fasting Blood Sugar
Importance of HDL
Is a Lower HDL Always Bad?
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