Alarming rates of GI cancer in those under 50 related to poor diet
ultraprocessed Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD ultraprocessed Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD

Alarming rates of GI cancer in those under 50 related to poor diet

While low-carb, keto diets may be popular for whitling your waistline, omitting high-fiber fruit, beans, and grains is bad news for your bowels. Two recent studies out of Flinders University note a surprising bump in the number of people under 50 getting diagnosed with bowel cancer. Limited fiber intake is part of the problem.

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Diet Swap Increases Risk of Colon Cancer in Two Weeks

If Americans stick with a diet that is far lower in fatty animal products and cholesterol and composed largely of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, then they will reduce the inflammation and other chemical changes that promote colon cancer.

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Happy Health Education Week!

Happy Health Education Week! Here are some of the top health education resources that my team and I have created over the years. Since we're here to help you look your very best, right now, I thought I would collect our favorite posts on popular health topics and share them in one handy place! So here you go -- our top blog posts about heart health, diabetes, cancer, nutrition, and physical activity. Which ones will make your life easier?

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Stephanie Ronco Stephanie Ronco

Resistant Starch: A Different Kind of Fiber

Have you ever heard of resistant starch? Though starchy foods in general have a bad name, resistant starch actually has surprising health benefits. Learn how it affects your health today!

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