Spice up the holidays and boost your health with warm, bright spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. You can add further health benefits by combining those spices with foods like oranges and cranberries, or drinks like black tea. So, how will you add spice to the holidays this year?
Today I want to feature one of the top handouts from the August edition of the member-exclusive Communicating Food for Health Newsletter. It's so engaging that I simply couldn't resist sharing it with everyone!
My team and I researched the most common sports drinks, assessing their nutrient information and compiling it into a simple comparison chart. Check out what we found!
How do you feel about orange juice and other 100% juice beverages? Whether you're all for them or totally against them or somewhere in between here's another perspective to consider, from James J. Kenney, PhD, FACN...
Iced tea is a beverage that can either be an integral part of a healthy eating pattern or a sneaky source of added sugars and empty calories. Celebrating Iced Tea Month offers a fantastic opportunity to help your audience rethink their drinks, leading them to make healthier choices that are lower in added sugars.
Member-Only Articles
Not-So-Tipsy Tips to Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Reducing alcohol could have a positive impact on your health, but where do you even begin? Check out these tips!
How to Make Matcha Part of Your Eating Pattern
Your Brain on Brew
A new study out of the University of South Australia finds that coffee in excess may have a negative impact on brain health.
Tips to Reduce Your Coffee Consumption
Holiday Challenge: Healthful Drinks
The holiday season is upon us -- do you have the tools you need to help your clients navigate its pitfalls?
Spice Up the Holidays
Spice up the holidays and boost your health with warm, bright spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. You can add further health benefits by combining those spices with foods like oranges and cranberries, or drinks like black tea. So, how will you add spice to the holidays this year?
Kombucha 101
Kombucha, a fermented tea with a long list of possible health benefits, has rapidly become a popular beverage choice...
Try Golden Milk
Wine Glasses: They're Getting Bigger!
How much wine do you pour into your wine glass?
Cancer and Eating Pattern Factsheet
Diet and cancer: is there a link?
9 Heart Healthy Shopping Tips
Here are a few top tips to help you fill your cart with heart-healthy foods in a way that's also budget friendly!
Handout: 5 Tips for a Cancer-Fighting Eating Pattern
Today I want to feature one of the top handouts from the August edition of the member-exclusive Communicating Food for Health Newsletter. It's so engaging that I simply couldn't resist sharing it with everyone!
Nutrition News: Kids and Sports Drinks
Have you been seeing all the news about kids, sports drinks, and obesity?
Sports Drink Comparison Chart
My team and I researched the most common sports drinks, assessing their nutrient information and compiling it into a simple comparison chart. Check out what we found!
Pack Your Mindful Eating Compass On Summer Vacation
When you're on vacation, keep an eye on what I call "your mindful eating compass" – the inner sense of what and how you’re eating.
The Health Impact of Drinking Juice
How do you feel about orange juice and other 100% juice beverages? Whether you're all for them or totally against them or somewhere in between here's another perspective to consider, from James J. Kenney, PhD, FACN...
Iced Tea Month: A Perfect Opportunity for Nutrition Education
Iced tea is a beverage that can either be an integral part of a healthy eating pattern or a sneaky source of added sugars and empty calories. Celebrating Iced Tea Month offers a fantastic opportunity to help your audience rethink their drinks, leading them to make healthier choices that are lower in added sugars.
Handout Treasure Hunt!
I have a fun surprise for you today, and it involves a new free printable handout!
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