High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are back in the spotlight, thanks to the Paleo, South Beach and Atkins trends. While protein is a necessary nutrient for the body in order to build lean muscle, synthesize hormones, grow hair and nails, and maintain organs, information about how much protein we really need and in what form seems to be misleading and/or lacking. Here?s the skinny?
We don?t eat rocks or dirt, but did you know that they are actually an important part of the food chain? Minerals in the earth are absorbed by water and plants, and then we absorb those same minerals when we eat plants or drink water. We also get minerals when we eat or drink foods that come from animals that consumed the mineral-rich plants and water.
Member-Only Articles
The Skinny on Protein
High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are back in the spotlight, thanks to the Paleo, South Beach and Atkins trends. While protein is a necessary nutrient for the body in order to build lean muscle, synthesize hormones, grow hair and nails, and maintain organs, information about how much protein we really need and in what form seems to be misleading and/or lacking. Here?s the skinny?
How Do Minerals Work? Part One
We don?t eat rocks or dirt, but did you know that they are actually an important part of the food chain? Minerals in the earth are absorbed by water and plants, and then we absorb those same minerals when we eat plants or drink water. We also get minerals when we eat or drink foods that come from animals that consumed the mineral-rich plants and water.
Choosing a Plant-Based Diet: Part Two
Choosing a Plant-Based Diet: Part One
A Fun Way to Eat More Vegetables
Are Vegetarian Diets Healthful?
Make Meatless Mondays a Snap!
Ingredient Spotlight: Lentils
The Secret of Longevity on the Greek Island of Ikaria
Maximal Therapy for CVD
Meatless Mondays
Going Vegetarian
Promote Fruits and Veggies In the Cafeteria
Vegetarian Recipe Modification Demo
Test Your Knowledge of a Plant-based Diet
Vegetarian Awareness Month
Food News: Vegetarian Awareness Month
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