Eating salads that contain a variety of types of lettuce is associated with several health benefits, including higher nutrient intake, consuming fewer calories, and slower cognitive decline associated with aging...
Research into the specific health benefits of cherries and cherry juice shows that they help promote health by reducing or preventing oxidative stress and inflammation...
Today we're going to take a closer look at which foods are associated with an increased risk of dementia, and which foods may help prevent risk of developing dementia...
Want to learn more about beets? Today is your lucky day! This post features an amazing Beet Fact Sheet that explores the links between beets and good health. Take a look at what we found...
Just because nutrients are present in your food doesn’t mean that your body is actually using them. Some nutrients, antioxidants and phytochemicals are destroyed during cooking or by air or light during storage. Others need the help of your gut bacteria or other nutrients to be activated or to be absorbed. Use these tips to get the most health-boosters from your food...
After the sweetener chart went live, many of you wrote to ask about a non-chemical approach to sweetening foods and drinks. Today I have some answers for you, with a closer look at natural sweeteners...
A few weeks ago, one of our readers asked us if we could publish a guide to everything kale and we leaped at the chance! What better time to explore this health and nutrition powerhouse than at the start of a brand-new year?
Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a holiday centered around the heart, but a candy and dessert overload doesn't exactly promote heart health. Here are a few ideas for creative Valentine's Day gifts that are great for your heart!
Member-Only Articles
Do Foods Need to be Colorful to be Healthful?
Lettuce: Leafy, Healthy, and Delicious!
Eating salads that contain a variety of types of lettuce is associated with several health benefits, including higher nutrient intake, consuming fewer calories, and slower cognitive decline associated with aging...
Meet Matcha!
The first time I saw matcha, I was entranced by the vibrant green color and intrigued about the possible health benefits...
Eating in Color: Yellow
How are you liking the Eating in Color series so far? Today we're tackling yellow fruits and vegetables, with a special spotlight on the banana!
The Heart of the Matter
Mushrooms: Packed with Nutrients
A Closer Look at the Health Benefits of Cherry Juice
Research into the specific health benefits of cherries and cherry juice shows that they help promote health by reducing or preventing oxidative stress and inflammation...
Green Tea: A Good Source of Healthful Antioxidants
Drinking green tea is associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and cancer where oxidative stress plays an important role...
Beets: Nutrition Powerhouses!
Diet and Dementia
Today we're going to take a closer look at which foods are associated with an increased risk of dementia, and which foods may help prevent risk of developing dementia...
June is Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month
June is fruit and veggie month. Celebrate by solving these 20 riddles - and learn more about these great super foods!
Berries and Diabetes
Have you seen the latest meta-analysis from the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition?
Handout: Fruits, Veggies, and Your Health
Have you gotten your free copy of the Up, Up, and Away fruit and vegetable handout yet? This post makes the perfect companion piece...
Fun Beet Fact Sheet
Want to learn more about beets? Today is your lucky day! This post features an amazing Beet Fact Sheet that explores the links between beets and good health. Take a look at what we found...
Nutrient Boosters
Just because nutrients are present in your food doesn’t mean that your body is actually using them. Some nutrients, antioxidants and phytochemicals are destroyed during cooking or by air or light during storage. Others need the help of your gut bacteria or other nutrients to be activated or to be absorbed. Use these tips to get the most health-boosters from your food...
Natural Sweeteners: A Closer Look
After the sweetener chart went live, many of you wrote to ask about a non-chemical approach to sweetening foods and drinks. Today I have some answers for you, with a closer look at natural sweeteners...
Kale 101: Everything You Need to Know
A few weeks ago, one of our readers asked us if we could publish a guide to everything kale and we leaped at the chance! What better time to explore this health and nutrition powerhouse than at the start of a brand-new year?
Valentine's Day Gift Inspiration
Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a holiday centered around the heart, but a candy and dessert overload doesn't exactly promote heart health. Here are a few ideas for creative Valentine's Day gifts that are great for your heart!
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