The American Heart Association recently released updated diet and lifestyle guidelines to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, and here are the rest...
Our series on the scientific report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee continues, this time with a look at Diet and Health Relationships: Individuals Ages 2 Years and Older...
Many people with type 2 diabetes want to know if they can still have a beer with friends or a glass of wine with dinner. Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, has the answers. Take a look!
Member-Only Articles
Alcohol and the Brain
Minimal alcohol intake is associated with untimely brain aging...
What is Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?
You may not have heard of it yet, but nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in the United States...
Not-So-Tipsy Tips to Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Reducing alcohol could have a positive impact on your health, but where do you even begin? Check out these tips!
Even Moderate Drinking Can Increase the Risk of Dementia
This research study suggests that drinking 4 glasses of wine or 4 pints of beer per week raises the risk of dementia...
Update to the AHA Guidelines: Part Two
The American Heart Association recently released updated diet and lifestyle guidelines to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, and here are the rest...
Let's Limit Alcohol
Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee: Evidence on Diet and Health Part Four
Our series on the scientific report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee continues, this time with a look at Diet and Health Relationships: Individuals Ages 2 Years and Older...
Wine Glasses: They're Getting Bigger!
How much wine do you pour into your wine glass?
Cancer and Eating Pattern Factsheet
Diet and cancer: is there a link?
Pack Your Mindful Eating Compass On Summer Vacation
When you're on vacation, keep an eye on what I call "your mindful eating compass" – the inner sense of what and how you’re eating.
5 Tips for a Cancer-Fighting Eating Pattern
?By being more attentive to our diets, weight, and physical activity levels, we can prevent about 1/3 of the most common cancers...
Diabetes and Alcohol
Many people with type 2 diabetes want to know if they can still have a beer with friends or a glass of wine with dinner. Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, has the answers. Take a look!
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