Added sugars are everywhere, and they're bad news for your health. But how exactly can you find added sugars? Which foods have these in high doses? Find out in today's post...
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 were recently released and recommendations regarding added sugar intake have been included for the first time. Here's what you need to know...
In our first Bite of the Week, we issued a MyPlate weekend challenge to you and your clients: make your plate look like MyPlate for at least one meal per day during the weekend. We loved your response, so we're back with another one!
We’ve heard the recommendation to reduce the amount of added sugar we consume in order to promote good health, but what exactly is added sugar? And what is the difference between added sugar and naturally-occurring sugars?
In order to craft a balanced and healthy eating pattern, there are certain food elements that most Americans need to shift away from. Today I want to zoom in on two of those elements: added sugars and saturated fats...
The 2015-2020 edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans was recently released and there has been a shift in the recommendations from a concentration on individual nutrients to a focus on a generally healthy eating pattern. But what exactly is an “eating pattern”?
This first chapter addresses 3 of the 5 new dietary guidelines from the 2015-2020 edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Learn about healthy eating patterns, the quantitative limits for certain food elements, and much more, all in today's post!
There is a difference between natural and refined sugar. Reducing your consumption of added sugar can be done by making small changes; choosing unsweetened beverages like water and teas in place of sweetened beverages, and reading food labels in order to determine the amount of added sugars in your foods is a good start.
What a year it has been! 2015 was chock-full of new nutrition policy, scientific research, and health information. Want to take a quick look at some of the highlights?
The preponderance of credible scientific evidence continues to support low and non-caloric sweeteners as an aid for weight loss, including for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and other metabolic problems associated with excessive fat stores.
Are you looking for new ways to help your clients reduce their added sugar intake? Thanks to some reader requests, there's now a free handout and strategy guide that offer great tips for cutting back on added sugars...
Choose fruit for dessert! Making that choice doesn't mean that you have to give up delicious desserts forever -- it just means that you need to get creative.
Member-Only Articles
What are Added Sugars?
Added sugars are everywhere, and they're bad news for your health. But how exactly can you find added sugars? Which foods have these in high doses? Find out in today's post...
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020: The News About Sugar
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 were recently released and recommendations regarding added sugar intake have been included for the first time. Here's what you need to know...
Bite of the Week: Added Sugars
In our first Bite of the Week, we issued a MyPlate weekend challenge to you and your clients: make your plate look like MyPlate for at least one meal per day during the weekend. We loved your response, so we're back with another one!
Bar raising
Fact Checking: Cereal Package Claims Versus The Food Label Facts
What's the Difference Between Natural and Added Sugar?
We’ve heard the recommendation to reduce the amount of added sugar we consume in order to promote good health, but what exactly is added sugar? And what is the difference between added sugar and naturally-occurring sugars?
Sugar Quiz!
Added sugars can have a serious impact on health! Test your knowledge and improve your eating pattern with this speedy sugar quiz…
Shift Away from Added Sugars and Saturated Fats
In order to craft a balanced and healthy eating pattern, there are certain food elements that most Americans need to shift away from. Today I want to zoom in on two of those elements: added sugars and saturated fats...
Comments on the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
How do the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans measure up? Find out with Dr. James J Kenney's latest article...
Following the Guidelines with a Healthy Eating Plan
The 2015-2020 edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans was recently released and there has been a shift in the recommendations from a concentration on individual nutrients to a focus on a generally healthy eating pattern. But what exactly is an “eating pattern”?
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines: Eating Patterns
This first chapter addresses 3 of the 5 new dietary guidelines from the 2015-2020 edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Learn about healthy eating patterns, the quantitative limits for certain food elements, and much more, all in today's post!
What You Need to Know About Sugar
There is a difference between natural and refined sugar. Reducing your consumption of added sugar can be done by making small changes; choosing unsweetened beverages like water and teas in place of sweetened beverages, and reading food labels in order to determine the amount of added sugars in your foods is a good start.
2015 Year in Review
What a year it has been! 2015 was chock-full of new nutrition policy, scientific research, and health information. Want to take a quick look at some of the highlights?
Yogurt and Sugar
The perception of yogurt as a healthy food doesn’t match the reality that flavored yogurt is sweetened with added sugar in various forms...
Do Diet Drinks Promote Glucose Intolerance?
The preponderance of credible scientific evidence continues to support low and non-caloric sweeteners as an aid for weight loss, including for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and other metabolic problems associated with excessive fat stores.
Cut Down on Sugar: A Strategy Guide
Are you looking for new ways to help your clients reduce their added sugar intake? Thanks to some reader requests, there's now a free handout and strategy guide that offer great tips for cutting back on added sugars...
Are You Good to Your Health?
Are you good to your health? Find out with this free quiz and handout set!
Free eBook: Choose Fruit for Dessert
Choose fruit for dessert! Making that choice doesn't mean that you have to give up delicious desserts forever -- it just means that you need to get creative.
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