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Member-Only Articles
Positive Resolutions: Add a Vegetable
The goal of month five of our Positive Resolution Project is to add more vegetables to your eating pattern!
Positive Resolutions for the New Year
January Resolution: Foster Happiness
New Year's Resolution Resources
What are your resolutions for the new year? What are your clients planning on doing to improve their health? Here at Food and Health Communications, we want to make setting and achieving your goals as easy as possible. That's why we've developed so many great resources just for you. Today we'd like to highlight a few of our favorites, all of which will help you and your clients make and keep your 2013 resolutions.
Handout: Set Achievable Goals
The new year is fast approaching! What goals are you setting?
Resolutions into Solutions
How will you help your clients turn their resolutions into solutions? MyPlate offeres 2 key tips: focus on long-term solutions instead of quick fixes, and encourage self-assessment resources. Let's take a look at each one in more detail, shall we?
Self-Assessment Resources
MyPlate recommends 2 strategies for successful improvements to eating habits and lifestyle: focusing on long-term solutions instead of quick fixes, and self-assessing periodically. The post Resolutions into Solutions provided an introduction to these approaches, and now we'd like to go into more depth about those self-assessment resources...
Help Your Clients Get Ready for the New Year
It's almost time for New Year's resolutions! When motivation is running high and enthusiasm for health goals is stronger than usual, it's wise to seize the moment and help guide your clients to improve their health. After all, setting realistic goals and prioritizing issues correctly can go a long way towards actually achieving the resolutions that people love to try out in January.
My Journey with Fitbit
A few months ago, I decided to get a FitBit. Here's what happened...
Make a Motivation Kit
If you've got a New Year's Resolution, then you know that a big player in achieving your goal is motivation. Today we're cracking the vault to give you a sneak peek at content that is usually exclusive to our members! This time, we're taking a closer look at motivation...
Heart-Healthy Holiday Substitutions
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