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Member-Only Articles
The Impact of a High-Fat Diet on Your Brain
A new study in mice reveals a direct link between a high-fat diet and an increase in diabetes, as well as a decline in cognitive abilities, such as the development of anxiety, depression, and worsening Alzheimer’s disease.
Super Summer Salad for Brain Health
June is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Need some tips for hosting a cooking demo on Alzheimer’s prevention? Keep reading...
Alcohol and the Brain
Minimal alcohol intake is associated with untimely brain aging...
Stay Active to Stay Sharp as You Age
"It may be that physical activity exerts a global sustaining effect, supporting and stimulating healthy function of proteins that facilitate synaptic transmission throughout the brain."
Even Moderate Drinking Can Increase the Risk of Dementia
This research study suggests that drinking 4 glasses of wine or 4 pints of beer per week raises the risk of dementia...
Fish, Vascular Lesions, and Dementia Risk
A recent study found that moderate consumption of fish may help prevent vascular disease that may consequentially lead to dementia...
Dietary Approaches to Reduce the Risk of Dementia
Go Inside the MIND Diet
Want to learn more about the MIND diet and explore ways to help your audience get the basics too?
For Better Brain Health, MIND Your Eating Pattern
Rush University Medical Center scientists have discovered that older adults may benefit from a nutritious diet known as the MIND diet...
Save Your Brain with Your Gut
The connection between your brain and gut just got more interesting...
Obesity May Exacerbate Alzheimer's Disease
A new study out of the University of Sheffield has discovered that being overweight may exacerbate Alzheimer’s disease...
Calorie Restriction Improves Cell Function
"Obese individuals are much more likely to have age-related diseases. This includes neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, proliferative diseases like cancer, and metabolic diseases themselves, such as Type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, heart attack, and CVA. Obese people have a higher incidence of all of these..."
Preventing Dementia: A New Strategy
A Mediterranean eating pattern has not only been found to reduce high blood pressure and the risk for heart disease and diabetes, but also may be linked with a reduction in the risk of developing dementia...
Diet and Dementia
Today we're going to take a closer look at which foods are associated with an increased risk of dementia, and which foods may help prevent risk of developing dementia...
The MIND Eating Pattern
Martha Clare Morris, a nutritional epidemiologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, conducted a research study using a nutrition approach she developed called the MIND diet, a combination of the DASH and Mediterranean diet plans...
Can B Vitamins Reduce Senility?
In people already showing MCD it seems wise to check serum Hcy levels and if elevated recommend supplements of B-vitamins to lower serum Hcy levels. Dr. Douaud's study certainly suggests such supplements may slow the loss of grey matter and slow the rate of cognitive decline...
Let's Talk About Saturated Fat
Food Trend Chronicles: Coconut Oil
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