We’ve been talking about the various building blocks of a healthful eating pattern, but in addition to a balanced diet, regular movement is vital to health promotion and disease prevention...
Sometimes kids can get to their recommended 60 minutes (or more) of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily at school, but it's often the case that they can't...
Sometimes people stall on the road to reaching their goals because the way the goals are framed makes it hard to achieve them. Here's a handy guide to setting realistic goals...
June is Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month! Pique your audience's interest in these tasty foods by introducing some riddles from Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, LD...
Calming your brain while promoting mindfulness is great news for your health, as is finding healthful ways to get rid of stress, tension, and anxiety. With that in mind, I asked my team of artists to come up with some great coloring pages that also promote healthful dietary messages...
While there is little doubt that regular exercise has many health benefits and may help with reducing body fat stores, most research suggests that regular exercise alone is unlikely to solve America’s obesity epidemic...
Member-Only Articles
Top Halloween Resources
Here are some strategies to help your clients and students make this the best Halloween ever...
Fresh Activities for National Nutrition Month®
It's hard to believe that National Nutrition Month® is almost over! What have been your favorite parts of this month?
Building Blocks of Health: Exercise
We’ve been talking about the various building blocks of a healthful eating pattern, but in addition to a balanced diet, regular movement is vital to health promotion and disease prevention...
The Other Building Block for Health: Activity
In addition to a healthy, balanced diet, regular movement is vital to health promotion and disease prevention...
Back to School Tip #2: Play, Play, Play
Sometimes kids can get to their recommended 60 minutes (or more) of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily at school, but it's often the case that they can't...
What's for Dinner Now?
Bite of the Week: MyPlate Weekend Challenge
Your clients are probably familiar with MyPlate, the USDA's guide to healthful eating, but how often are they actually using it to guide their meals?
The Key to Maintaining Weight Loss in the Long Term
National Nutrition Month: An Educator's Guide
Here's everything you need to know for all of your Nutrition Month projects...
Nutrition Word Problems
Here's a great icebreaker for your next presentation!
Healthy Heart Puzzle
February is American Heart Month, so what better time is there to help children understand the impact of their choices on their own hearts?
A Vegan Petting Zoo - Great Activity for Kids
ABC Show - Fun Letter Shapes and Fruit and Vegetable Identification Activity or Game
Are You Setting Realistic Goals?
Sometimes people stall on the road to reaching their goals because the way the goals are framed makes it hard to achieve them. Here's a handy guide to setting realistic goals...
Quick Quiz for Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month
June is Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month! Pique your audience's interest in these tasty foods by introducing some riddles from Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, LD...
Do You Shop Smart?
Here's a quick quiz to help evaluate your skills in the grocery store.
Relieve Stress and Promote Fruit with Brand-New Coloring Pages
Calming your brain while promoting mindfulness is great news for your health, as is finding healthful ways to get rid of stress, tension, and anxiety. With that in mind, I asked my team of artists to come up with some great coloring pages that also promote healthful dietary messages...
Is Inactivity the Main Cause of Obesity?
While there is little doubt that regular exercise has many health benefits and may help with reducing body fat stores, most research suggests that regular exercise alone is unlikely to solve America’s obesity epidemic...
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