For young and middle-aged individuals with high blood pressure, tweaking the diet may be the most effective way to cut the risk of cardiovascular disease...
The American Heart Association recently released updated diet and lifestyle guidelines to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, and here are the rest...
Sodium is hiding everywhere. Shocking amounts of it are in restaurant and frozen foods, while many packaged and canned foods have tons of sodium as well. The first step towards reducing sodium intake is learning about which foods have what levels. That's where this chart comes in...
The American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) have released updated guidelines on the important role of lifestyle choices in reducing cardiovascular risk...
The CDC, AHA, and the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans all recommend that "Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day." Most of that activity should be aerobic exercise, with some muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening work thrown in too. But why be active every day? What are the benefits?
Member-Only Articles
Changes in Diet Offer Best Defense in Hypertensive Patients
For young and middle-aged individuals with high blood pressure, tweaking the diet may be the most effective way to cut the risk of cardiovascular disease...
Update to the AHA Guidelines: Part Two
The American Heart Association recently released updated diet and lifestyle guidelines to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, and here are the rest...
Update to the AHA Guidelines: Part One
The American Heart Association recently released updated diet and lifestyle guidelines to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease...
Sodium and the American Diet
Sodium is hiding everywhere. Shocking amounts of it are in restaurant and frozen foods, while many packaged and canned foods have tons of sodium as well. The first step towards reducing sodium intake is learning about which foods have what levels. That's where this chart comes in...
The Other Building Block for Health: Activity
In addition to a healthy, balanced diet, regular movement is vital to health promotion and disease prevention...
Positive Resolutions: Go Fishing
Did you know that almost 90% of Americans do not meet the recommendation for seafood consumption?
The Evolution of Heart-Healthy Food Guidelines
New Guidelines on Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk
The American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) have released updated guidelines on the important role of lifestyle choices in reducing cardiovascular risk...
American Heart Association Blueprint for Healthy Eating
New guidelines on fat intake to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease BY AHA
Say Yes to Cardiac Rehab
Cardiac rehab reduces the risk of death and future cardiac events, cuts down on hospitalizations, and improves quality of life...
Aging Well: Spotlight on Added Sugars
The typical American consumes enough added sugars to contribute to health problems...
Kids and the Benefits of Physical Activity
The CDC, AHA, and the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans all recommend that "Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day." Most of that activity should be aerobic exercise, with some muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening work thrown in too. But why be active every day? What are the benefits?
Heart Disease Prevention Tips
Heart disease can be a scary thing. The good news is, it's possible to take steps to lower your risk. Let's talk lifestyle...
Nutrition News Highlights of 2014
There has been a ton of groundbreaking health news this year. Let's look back at the top nutrition and health stories of 2014...
2013 Year in Review: Health and Nutrition Edition
5 Things About the New Obesity Guidelines That You Won't Want to Miss
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