We choose what we eat for a variety of reasons: taste, convenience, cost, and #health concerns. Food manufacturers capitalize on consumers’ desire for healthy foods by adding ingredients that are marketed to help protect our #immune system, improve #mood, and increase #energy levels. One of the ways they do this is through #functionalingredients like #collagen…
Member-Only Articles
Functional Ingredient Spotlight: Collagen
We choose what we eat for a variety of reasons: taste, convenience, cost, and #health concerns. Food manufacturers capitalize on consumers’ desire for healthy foods by adding ingredients that are marketed to help protect our #immune system, improve #mood, and increase #energy levels. One of the ways they do this is through #functionalingredients like #collagen…
Fat Math
Research Highlight: Highly-palatable food strikes again
High-fat Diet May Lead to Overeating
Food News: Shop with 3
Here are three easy goals to keep front and focus when you are grocery shopping.
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