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Member-Only Articles

Tips for Reducing Ultra-Processed Foods
In light of the apparent link between ultra-processed food and leptin resistance in women, you may need to check in with your audience about their eating patterns. But what should healthcare providers advise? Consider the following…

A Dietitian's Insight About Functional Ingredients
Do indulgent foods like cookies and crunchy snacks that contain functional ingredients actually promote health, or is the inclusion of functional ingredients more of a marketing strategy?
What Are Functional Ingredients?
Functional foods can provide additional health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Think fermented foods like kefir or sauerkraut that contain probiotics, or berries that are high in antioxidants. Including functional foods as part of your daily food choices is an excellent strategy to improve overall health…

Snacking instead of sitting for a meal is on the rise, so let’s take a look at the pros and cons of this approach…

Research Highlight: Ultra-processed Food Intake Linked with Leptin Resistance in Women
A recent study indicates that women who consumed more ultra-processed foods are more susceptible to leptin resistance and could have changes in their gut bacteria. Leptin resistance is linked with pro-inflammatory conditions, neuroinflammation, and metabolic disorders, including obesity…

Protein Comparison Charts & Handouts
Here is a chart of common sources of protein, both animal and plant. I think you’ll find a few surprises. Did you know that plant protein is lower in calories and higher in fiber? It’s also (usually) lower in cost.
Don’t miss the printable PDF handout on protein comparisons — as well as the original excel file for any changes you might want to make.
#eatrightPROnutrimag #makeevverybitecount #healthydoesnthavetobehard #simplehealth #funcionalwellness #wholewellness #wholebodyhealth #MyPlate #OnMyPlate #ChooseMyPlate #MyPlateStartSimplePROnutrimag!

If you are tired of romaine, iceberg and grocery store lettuce and greens, wait until you see the list of items we just found in a farmer's market. Braising, salad, sprouts and so many flavors await!

Farmer's Market Meal Planning
Here is how to shop and plan meals using a farmer’s market. Lots of delicious ideas.
Sustainability and Local Food Talk by Marion Nestle and Alice Waters
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