The US has been more or less a “hands on” society. We test drive cars before we purchase them, shake hands when we meet someone new, and pick up and handle fruit in the grocery store. But COVID-19 has changed everything, from how we meet friends to how we share food. The latest trend is “low-touch” food.Low-touch food means just that: minimal hands on an item. When it comes to food, restaurants are changing from dine in to take out/pick up, while grocery stores limit the number of guests in the store or mandate masks in some cities. In addition to being safe with our food, it’s important to keep nutrition in mind. A single serving soda may be low-touch, but it’s also devoid of any nutritional value. Whenever possible, strive to get some FOOD in your food! Here's a list of 10 nutritious, low-touch foods.
Almonds: You can find almonds in individual pouches or pack your own. A good source of protein, fiber, and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, almonds also satisfy a need for crunch.
Bananas: Packed in their own personal peel, bananas provide potassium, vitamin B6, carbohydrates, and fiber.
Baby carrots: You can find baby carrots in their own secure, single-serving sack or pack them in a recyclable plastic container before you leave the house. Carrots provide beta-carotene, vitamin C, and minimal calories.
Blueberries: Once washed, blueberries are ready to roll. High in anthocyanins, regular blueberry intake has been linked with a reduction in dementia and heart disease.
Cherry or grape tomatoes: These are great to grab if you’re working from home or to take with you on your commute. Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and phytochemical lycopene.
Clif or KIND bar: If you’re in need of something chewy or sweet, a protein bar may do the trick. These bars can be used as snacks to kill hunger between meals or as a fast breakfast with your mug of coffee.
Kefir: This delightful, cultured drink will remind you of yogurt, but is made with a “starter” grain, similar to sourdough. This fermented beverage provides probiotics to keep your gut healthy.
Kombucha: This fizzy, fermented tea is a great sub for soda. With roughly 40 calories in a 12 oz. bottle, it’s lower in sugar and also provides probiotics.
String cheese: Known for its kid appeal, you can peel string cheese and bite it in chunks. Light string cheese gives you a decent dose of protein, calcium and B vitamins in just 60 calories.
Soy nuts: Soy nuts are a crunchy source of protein, plant isoflavones and fiber. Find them plain or flavored.
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
Top 10 Low-Touch Snacks
The US has been more or less a “hands on” society. We test drive cars before we purchase them, shake hands when we meet someone new, and pick up and handle fruit in the grocery store. But COVID-19 has changed everything, from how we meet friends to how we share food. The latest trend is “low-touch” food.Low-touch food means just that: minimal hands on an item. When it comes to food, restaurants are changing from dine in to take out/pick up, while grocery stores limit the number of guests in the store or mandate masks in some cities. In addition to being safe with our food, it’s important to keep nutrition in mind. A single serving soda may be low-touch, but it’s also devoid of any nutritional value. Whenever possible, strive to get some FOOD in your food! Here's a list of 10 nutritious, low-touch foods.
By Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LDHandout Low Touch Snacks PDF Printable
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
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